If you only knew

If you only knew what it was like to walk in my shoes. Maybe you would understand.

These thoughts and feelings inside me are not things that can be controlled.

They make me the way I am.

For most of my life it made me an extraordinary person. I was able to do many different things and some very well at that.

It was always a mystery how it could be done by just this one. I never gave it any thought.

I was driven. Driven to do more.

Then at times there was none. No pleasures. No goals seen through.

Walking through the muck.
The mud clinging with every step in these boots.

It was never my fault for the mess that trailed behind. These things happen when walking through the mud puddles of life. It was always cleaned up sooner or later.

You may have had similar feelings. To what extent is unknown.

I know so much more now but now just may be a little too late.

Or is it ever too late?

Too late to understand why I am the way I am.

About Bacon Pro

I am a writer, musician, poet, photographer, communications specialist, Psy Warrior, computer guru, ad representative, painter, mechanic, collector, and a father.
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1 Response to If you only knew

  1. wifecheated -Help with Infidelity. says:

    I am so incredibly sorry for your situation and your loss. I wish you peace through your writing. I tell you I care about your survival and am proud of you being a great dad with your kids. Keep their live in your heart. I know they do yours.


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